Age Of Aquarius: 21 New Rules For 2021
If you’re still clutching to the Old Normal you’re in for a world of hurt in the months and years ahead. Let Go of it NOW or you’re going to fall BEhind and likely end up stuck out there with the mob, fighting for something that was never yours to BEgin with. We absolutely must realize, right NOW, that the Game has already Changed and that the NEW RULES are BE-ing Written as We Speak. If we cannot open our focus up enough to catch the Cataclysmic Changes happening within our SELVES, we are going to miss the greatest opportunity of our life and risk getting thrown under the bus. We’re moving into the Age of Aquarius and this Emerging Paradigm demands total Inner Freedom, which stands in stark contrast to the Ancient Paradigm of external control. This Spiritual war has been brewing for a long time already, but my oh my, is it ever Heating Up. Prepare your SELF for a Colossal, even Biblical struggle between these two dynamics as the Universe works to restore It SELF to Balance under a NEW SIGN. We are NOT Here to steer this thing to our liking; We are Here to Open Up to all of the Possibilities this Ride has to offer. Time to BE the CHANGE. And this really is the Moment so many of us have been waiting for. The Matrix Control System was never going to come to an end without Revealing itself for What It Really Is. It’s finally all out in the open for everyone to see NOW, and it’s clear to those who choose to look that the Hammer is coming down and the Old System is going for Broke in its effort to consume the entire Human race. Those who learn to stay continually Aligned with their Inner Truth will BE able to avoid slipping into conformity, dependence, fear, group-thinking, and herd stupidity. We are going to need the Tools, Temperament, Tenacity, and Spirit to navigate this, or we are going to get fried by stress, overwhelmed by fear, and we’ll end up stuck with the other sheeple in one of the pop-media narratives, blindly carrying out someone else’s agenda. Our Energy will be entirely consumed by external events, stunting our Spiritual and Inner Growth, and we will be sentenced to toil in frustration in the remnants of a Dying Paradigm, able only to focus on conflict, strife, and struggle. One of the things I’m noticing very clearly these days is how the Nature of TRUTH and the Source of TRUTH is changing. Whereas once we could seek and find Truth in our established collective history, media, and in the accounts of others, Truth NOW is BE-ing revealed to us in relationships. All of that other stuff is proving to be completely compromised. And the isolation of the year has induced a purification in our relationships so that NOW it’s as though we are all operating in a House of Mirrors. At first, the crisis revealed our Truest Colours to those closest to us, and NOW, in the reflections of our relationships, we can see more clearly than ever what we need to KNOW and DO in order to Evolve and Grow into this NEW Inner FREEDOM. If we Ignore What We See We will get Stuck in the Old ways of BEing. Pay careful attention to how you are showing up in your relationships these days because there are two competing narratives playing out in our world right NOW. One of them happens on the media stage and features an expertly-crafted orchestration of Humanity’s worst qualities. The other story happens in your mind and in your heart and presents an extraordinary opportunity for Personal Evolution. Whichever one you’re focused is what you’ll bring to the others in your life and will determine what feedback you receive from them and the world. A wise friend recently told me that the LOVE we experience in our lives is the Clearest Reflection of who We Truly Are as people. So, what do you see in the relationships in your life? Are you experiencing LOVE, or are you frustrated? Is there Easiness or maybe emptiness? Is there JOY or do you feel repressed or bottled up? Do you feel a sense of Expansion or a sense of contraction? Can you feel into your relationships to sense which ones are giving you energy and which ones are taking your energy? What is going right in the good ones and wrong in the others? What do you need to change about your SELF in order to have the kind of relationship with the world that brings you Happiness, Joy, Peace, and Freedom? I’ve been meditating deeply on all of this lately. Moving very slowly into the void and waiting to see what naturally arises. Here’s some of the things coming up for me lately. They feel like an emerging NEW Rule-Set. Like an updated program to run on as we Collectively Dive Headlong into a Tremendous and Cataclysmic war between Freedom and control. Between fear and LOVE. AGE OF AQUARIUS: 21 NEW RULES For 2021 Enjoy, People, And Keep The Vibration High! 1.) Above all else, BE Direct and BE Honest. BE the one that says what has for too long gone unsaid. 2.) Love insanely. Let it all out into the open. You don’t have time to hold back any longer. 3.) Make your SELF strong. Physically strong, Emotionally strong, Mentally strong, Spiritually strong. 4.) Practice radical detachment and letting go. We need to create space for the New Paradigm to Emerge. 5.) Learn to enjoy BEing patient in allowing things to unfold naturally without forcing anything. 6.) Express your SELF like you never have before. BE more Real. BE more Raw. BE more Open. BE more bad Ass. BE more You. 7.) Let death be all the motivation you need to do anything you want to do. The clock is ticking faster than ever. 8.) Don’t be surprised when things work out far better than you could have imagined. 9.) Give away as much freedom to Others as you can stand, then give them more. Let them have their stupid differing opinions, or whatever, and just keep on loving them with everything you’ve got. 10.) Do NOT allow your mind to take the wheel. Steer with your Heart. 11.) Make Personal Evolution your Prime Directive and watch how quickly your life changes for the Better. 12.) BE the person in the room that Laughs and Smiles the most, showing others how to brush off the madness of the world. 13.) Conserve your energy until it is time to move, then do so with Maximum Potency. 14.) Stay close to the things you can control and distance yourself from those things which you cannot. 15.) Teach everything you’ve learned so far. Participate fully in the Growth of Others. 16.) Create relationships, fix relationships, find common ground, build bridges, and be there for others. 17.) Learn to fiercely Observe the world and the people around you. 18.) Rewrite the rules as needed for maximum ease and minimum stress. 19.) Let yourself cry, scream or whatever as needed in order to make sure you are a conduit for negative emotions, NOT a reservoir. 20.) Practice, Practice, Practice. Engage in your daily Inner Practice every single day. Cultivate your Inner Peace and Strength through the continuity of your Intentions. 21.) Maintain the Highest possible vibration you can and make a point of BEing infectious to Others. with Sacred LOVE of ONE Pars Kutay Artist: Sacha Stone #5D #ascension #lightseekers #lightwarriors #holisticdesign #holisticdesigner #lifecoach #love #lovelightstheway #2021 #newearth #awakening
Lessons Learned From COVID and Cloud Forests
Earlier this month, our family set out on our last adventure of 2020. We visited Costa Rica, and I must tell you- everyone should experience this magical place at least once in their lifetime. Our last trip of the year was filled with more angst than normal. I learned the government of Costa Rica was requiring Health Passes before entering the Country, which means you better have good health insurance, and proof of that insurance submitted to the Costa Rican Embassy no earlier or later than 48 hours to arriving in Country. During the scramble to get the required paperwork from our insurance company, it struck me that this trip was a goodbye to our old world. I was in the liminal space between past and present, floating as witness to a rift in time. It seemed appropriate for us to visit one of the places on our Bucket List, while we could. While there wasn't a single place I didn't like during our visit, the place I loved the most was the Monteverde Cloud Forest. First I must tell you, visiting a Cloud Forest has on my bucket list for a very long time, then after sharing a little bit about Cloud Forests the rest of the family jumped on board adding it to their bucket lists too! I think my wanting to experience a Cloud Forest started when I purchased a canvas photograph in my twenties, of one of the rope bridges (no longer rope bridges now) in one of the Cloud Forests... because there are actually 6 Cloud Forests in Costa Rica. But the photograph was beautiful, mysterious...just like the real thing, but the real thing is MUCH better! So first things first...I had to first navigate how to purchase a guided tour of the Cloud Forest in Monteverde. For whatever reason our phones converted to Spanish as soon as we arrived in country. So that was a fun learning curve. I only know swear words in Spanish and our oldest son Aiden has 2 years of Spanish under his belt, so it was the blind leading the blind most of this trip! But that's what made it fun. Once I was able to purchase tickets in advance, we set out early the next morning for our 2.5 hour drive to Monteverde. The other fun part of our adventure was the Google GPS doesn't work in Costa Rica. So we had to download their version, Waze. Which fun fact, took us on the back (dirt roads) of the Costa Rican jungles! Typically I think most parent's would be somewhat nervous, however we embraced it, my husband often saying "We were supposed to go this way for a reason, maybe there is something we are supposed to see". I won't lie, there were a couple times I wasn't so sure it was a good idea, and in fact we did get lost. Then all our children decided the winding jungle roads weren't what they had planned for, yes even being from Colorado- so we made several stops because they all got car sick. Once we did arrive atop this amazing mountain in the town of Monteverde, we realized how we were not prepared for the weather! It was cold, windy, and raining. The weather in Monteverde is strongly influenced by moisture-saturated air currents that enter the country from the northeast (trade winds). When ascending the Cordillera de Tilarán, orographic rains originate because of the cooling they experience, or fog, which characterizes the predominant Cloud Forest in the area. These conditions generate a marked rainy tropical climate; where seasonal variation in temperatures and rainfall is minimal, both remain high throughout the year. Likewise, the persistent cloudiness causes the particular conditions for the development of the so-called Cloud Forest. (Source: Not only were we cold, we were also starving. I guess getting carsick will do that to you. We ended up finding this cute little cafe, 'Stellas'. I have to tell you, should you ever find yourself in Monteverde, Costa Rica- YOU MUST STOP HERE!! Not only is Stella the owner so welcoming, her food is amazing (even though there wasn't a single meal we didn't enjoy the entire week) and the ambiance was MAGICKAL!!!! Fun Fact: Monteverde hosts 2.5% of the world's biodiversity. The 10% of its flora is endemic. Meaning the plants here are ONLY found here, no place else on Earth has some of the plants we saw. (I talk about this later) and 50% of flora and fauna of Costa Rica is in this paradise. We were the only guests in this cute little cafe, that smelled like chocolate and coffee beans. As we sat down at our table we noticed the set of sliding glass doors to the back of us, that led to the most amazing garden I have ever seen. In the center of the garden was a tall bird feeder surrounded by birds of every color in the rainbow. I have never seen so many different species of birds in so many colors!!! As I stood in awe, Stella approached me and pointed behind me, as I turned around, right at my feet was a Coati! Close enough for me to touch, completely unbothered by my presence!!! And of course me being me, tried to pick it up, but he waddled off to look for food. Shortly after, a Toucan landed on top of the bird feeder to snack on the banana Stella had placed out there. Several resplendent quetzals showed up for lunch too. Next, the most beautiful looking squirrel ran up the feeder, scaring away the birds, to help himself to a snack as well. After it was his turn this weird looking creature approached the bottom of the feeder to eat what the birds and squirrel knocked off onto the ground. It was as if these animals made this a daily ritual, and were completely unbothered by humans. Our family just stood in such awe and amazement of what was happening. I could have stayed there all day watching all the animals. However, we were late, and ended up getting lost for the second time trying to find the Cloud Forest. We ended up missing the guided tour, but we were able to venture out onto the trails and bridges alone. Fun Fact: More than 100 species of mammals live in the park, including howler and capuchin monkeys, all five species of cats, deer, tapir and sloths. A total of 1,200 species of amphibians and reptiles live in the reserve, including venomous and non-venomous snakes, frogs and toads We started along the very muddy path and within minutes approached the longest and tallest bridge in the park, Bridge 6 (236m (774ft) long and it's height being 70m (230ft)). You can tell instantly that they designed this park so the trails and hanging bridges are designed and maintained to cause the lowest impact to nature, trying always to keep the forest intact for everything living in it. You are instantly overwhelmed by nature. There is literally life at your feet, around you, and above you. The bridges you cross (6 in total) are perfect to appreciate Costa Rica’s magnificent biodiversity admiring nature from different perspectives. Then something happened halfway through our trek through this beautiful forest. It was as if nothing was outside of us. No world, no COVID, just complete awareness. Nature has much to teach us about the present moment . Nature also teaches us how life and death are a beautiful dance, but humans do a terrible job at facing both. Fun Fact: Extensive plant collections have been conducted in the Monteverde Cloud Forest. An ever-growing list of plants above 700m details more than 3000 species. There are more than 750 species of trees alone, representing 92 plant families. Each type of forest or “life zone”, from the lowland rainforest to the elfin forest, has its own set of characteristic tree species. As the lockdowns from the virus continue on, many of us are stuck in our homes, yet there are still endless opportunities to visit nature and what stories she has to share with us. Yes, we share funny videos on social media, and show off our latest recipe creations in the kitchen. We are reconnecting with old friends, since now a phone call out of the blue is socially acceptable. We help our neighbors, donate, volunteer, and ask if people are OK. We say hi to neighbors and strangers. All of these things are important, but during this collective deep breath, we need to find the space to reclaim a small part of our lost humanity. Nature provides that space. Nature is also a lot like a time machine that takes us back and pushes us ahead to confront our own mortality, as well as giving us renewed gratitude for all the times we are gifted here amidst so much beauty and love. I cannot tell you how long I stood in front of some of those gigantic ficus trees. hundreds of years old realizing we all exist now in the ether, the neither-here-nor-there-ness of awaiting the unknown. That the hundred daily griefs can compound into our inability to move or function. However, the force that can allow motion through this time of in between is in the very actions that have bound humanity since our beginnings some 300,000 years ago. Being in nature opens up a part of your soul, opens up your senses which are our new survival superpowers during this time of pause. It's helps you feel more alive. What we learned that day is death feeds into life perhaps most spectacularly here among the giant ficus trees, the strangler figs that wrap themselves so fully around a host tree that the host dies and rots away and the ficus becomes a tree itself, spreading up into the sky and out toward other trees so the process can begin again. Monteverde had gifted us a heightened perception, and a month later, I feel ever so much more alive than when I first walked into that Cloud Forest, transformed by the hands of something much bigger than all of us, something not even COVID can take away...G-d. Sources: Click on the gallery photos below Never in a million years would I have thought I would ever be staging homes during a pandemic. But here I am, almost three months into it. I can tell you it has been a very interesting three months, and houses are still selling in our thriving City.
This week's blog post addresses this crazy topic, and is courtesy of guest blog writer Shirley Martin, with Tidy Life Today. The coronavirus pandemic has put home sellers in a tough spot. How can you show your home off to potential buyers if you’re supposed to practice social distancing? With open houses and in-person showings off the table, you will have to get a little creative. Fortunately, the real estate market has adopted certain tech tools that enable sellers and buyers to complete a home sale with minimal contact. Keep reading to learn more about navigating this new and unfamiliar home-selling process! Prep Your Home for the Market Although buyers may not be touring your home in person, they will still want to see pictures and videos of your space. To get your home ready, TurnKeyHomeLoan recommends giving it a good top-to-bottom deep clean and tackling some major decluttering. Clutter will make your rooms appear cramped, unclean, and uninviting, especially in your real estate photos. You don’t want anything to distract your buyers from seeing your home’s best features! Once your home is sparkling clean, consider making a few impactful upgrades to really hook those buyers. If you want to keep it simple, a fresh coat of paint will have a huge effect on the overall feel of your home—go with a neutral shade to please everyone. You could also touch up the exterior paint, especially if it’s peeling, cracking, or otherwise looking unkempt. When you’re finally happy with the state of your home, stage some elegant vignettes around your home to help your potential buyers imagine living in your space. For best results, try to incorporate the color blue. Blue works great with many different color schemes and stands out in photos, so invest in some blue accents to help your listing pop! Skip the Open House Even if open houses are still permitted in your area, it’s best to play it safe and skip this social gathering. Research suggests that open houses aren’t that effective anyway and tend to benefit the real estate agent more than the seller. Instead, focus on your virtual presence! Take stunning listing photos, create a 3D walkthrough, and offer video tours to interested buyers. Showing off your home's features is even easier online because you can shoot your photos and videos from the angles that make your rooms look their best. To create the most engaging and attractive listing photos, Home Advisor recommends working with high-quality camera equipment and shooting during the day to take advantage of the natural light. When making videos walkthroughs of your home, try to follow a natural path through your home so your online viewers can get a more accurate feel for the flow and layout of your house. Clean Every Day One plus side of the coronavirus lockdown is that you won’t have to deal with buyers coming by to view your home on short notice. However, you will still need to keep the place clean! Your real estate agent might be giving live video-chat tours to potential buyers while your home sits on the market, and you want it to look its best every time. Get in the habit of cleaning up after yourself as you go about your day. Pick up laundry, put dirty dishes straight into the dishwasher, and wipe down countertops when you're done cooking—these simple actions will reduce the amount of cleaning you have to do before a virtual tour. If your kids are home from school, distribute your workload by giving them some daily chores. Try to keep your storage areas clean as well. Potential buyers might ask your agent to film inside cupboards, drawers, and closets so they can check out your home’s storage solutions, so make sure these spaces look neat and organized. Selling a home is always a stressful experience, but the coronavirus pandemic has made things much more complicated. Take steps to prepare for your sale so you can sail through the process with minimal issues. Declutter, clean, and stage your home, work with your real estate agent to create great online listings, and keep up with the daily cleaning so you’re always ready for virtual showings! This week I had the pleasure of having my close friend and fellow entrepreneur Candy Covnot, on my Podcast- Lifestyle By Design.. Candy is also Antique guru, creative- Candy Covnot. Aside from being a wonderful friend and mentor, Candy is also the Queen of "funk shui". Candy has over 20 years of experience hosting Estate sales and appraisal services, running a successful antique furniture and home decor booth in an antique mall for over 22 years, and she is a Master Florist. However you would never know from all her successes that she has been living with MS. Candy shared with my Podcast listeners how wellness isn't just about a lifestyle but it is a mindset. That exercise, and lifestyle choices can improve your MS and your overall quality of life, but so can living authentically. How taking control of this “invisible” aspect can help you stay motivated and resilient, improve relationships, and enhance all of the areas of your health and wellness. You can listen to the Podcast to hear the whole interview. But first, take a moment to read some of the other questions I asked her off-air. Candance: What are the best resources that have helped you along your journey? Candy: Best MS resource is the book, Dr. Wahls protocol. It's my ms bible! Candance: What 3 habits do you do daily that improve your life? Candy: My 3 daily habits are: In the morning quiet reflection time to start the day with good intentions. Then it's my morning stretching and breathing (yoga). Still working on nourishing my body with healthy eating habits because all if not most of my health issues can be managed with a healthy diet. Candance: Who are the 3 people who have been the most influential to you? Candy: Hmmm influential people??? Thinking... I have to think about that. I'm not sure certain people influence me. I'm inspired by many friends and follow certain people like Rachel Brathen (yoga girl) or Iyanla Vanzant. I'm inspired by people that are good humans A big thank you again, to Candy. She is such an inspiration! You can find Candy's beautiful antiques at Robyns Nest of Colorado, which are proudly displaying at The American Classics Marketplace on Academy Blvd, here in Colorado Springs, booth A-4 in the front showroom. For information about her Estate Sales, Call (719) 393-6006 or email [email protected] |
Designer, Life Coach, + Realtor® - Candance Toscano"You can design the life of your dreams and acquire that luxurious, fulfilled and empowered lifestyle you know you have always wanted." Archives
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