See You Later Alligator
![]() Earth school is by far the hardest, most challenging schools all of us here will ever complete. Life on Earth often raises profound existential questions about purpose, meaning, and the nature of reality. Wrestling with these questions and finding one's place in the world can be a daunting task that requires introspection, self-reflection, and a search for answers. We encounter ethical dilemmas and moral choices. Making decisions that align with one's values and navigating the complexities of right and wrong can be demanding, especially in a world with diverse perspectives and conflicting interests. It's even harder when you're an empathetic idealist like myself. What that means is I tend to experience emotions deeply and intensely, sometimes about things most people could give two shits about. I also have high ideals and expectations for not just myself but the world around me. I strive for justice and harmony, which can be challenging to achieve here on Earth School because it often falls short of my ideals. The constant battle between my ideals and reality usually leads to frustration, disappointment, and heartache. And let's not forget I always feel overwhelmed by the suffering and pain I perceive in the world, which is exactly what has compelled me into writing this post. For those that don't know, I befriended an alligator in my neighborhood last fall. He has been coming to visit me everyday since September 21, 2022. He has never missed a day and neither have I. His name was King, and he was a beautiful creature and an unlikely friend, but he brought me so much joy and I take away so many valuable lessons from our time together. Two days ago he happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and sadly was euthanized. I knew when I got home that night something was wrong because he wasn't waiting for me at my boat dock like he always had every day before that. Every. Single. Day. A few hours later I saw in my neighborhood Facebook page that someone posted a picture of a dead alligator that had been trapped because he was in someones front yard. I knew instantly it was him. Sounds silly, to kill an alligator for being in someone's front yard. But that's how they do it here in Florida. Backyards are okay, front yards = death sentence for a gator. And the powers that be clearly think alligators can tell the difference between the two {insert sarcastic sigh and eye roll} I'm still not sure why he went in their front yard, not too mention he was across the street from the lake that he called home. I can only speculate that he was disoriented, hot and lethargic - you see King was also blind in his left eye. How do I know? Well, his left eye had visible damage to it, he often kept it closed. He would bump into our boat dock regularly. Not to mention alligators cannot actively control their body temperature. Instead, they rely on behavioral adaptations to regulate their body heat. Alligators thermoregulate by moving between different temperature zones in their environment. They bask in the sun to absorb heat when they need to raise their body temperature, and they move to cooler areas or bodies of water to lower their body temperature when necessary. By selecting appropriate microhabitats, such as sunny areas or shaded areas, they can adjust their body temperature to some extent. So what I think happened is he went to sunbathe, got too hot, then got disoriented as to which direction the lake was, got too lethargic, but by then it was too late. A homeowner had already called the trapper, and just like that, this amazing creature was destroyed. It is worth noting that while life on Earth can be difficult, it is also filled with beauty, joy, love, and opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Those are the gifts that amazing creature left me. I wanted to write this for King, to honor him. I never took our time together for granted. He knew he was loved and safe in my presence and I never felt anything but the same from him. I respected his space, behavior, and natural instincts. We held space for each other and it was something I cannot put into words, it was something that could only be felt. I wish the whole world could have experienced (what some would say a once in a lifetime opportunity) what I experienced these last 8 months with King. And while being an empathic idealist may come with its challenges, I've come to recognize the unique strengths and gifts that come with having this disposition too. I also bring compassion, understanding, and positive change to the world around me too. This is my hope for the next alligator that decides to make Cory Lake Isle his home. That maybe just maybe, someone will remember King's story. Approaching the situation with more understanding and compassion, not just for the alligators but all of the animal kingdom. Who knows what might happen. An alligator is an unusual concept when thinking of a friendship, but you never know. ;) So King, my beautiful Alligator Friend, As I sit here and contemplate our unique connection, I am filled with awe and appreciation for the wonders of nature that brought us together, despite our differences. In your majestic presence, I was reminded of the intricate beauty and diversity of life on this planet. Your ancient lineage and survival through the ages are a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the natural world. Your fierce demeanor and powerful presence commanded respect, yet there was also a sense of mystery and allure that surrounded you. Yet, I knew instantly you were different. I could only describe you as my gentle giant. I am grateful for the lessons you taught me during our 8 months together. About the delicate balance of ecosystems. As a keystone species, you play a vital role in maintaining the health and stability of your habitat. Your presence helped regulate populations, control prey species, and shape the very fabric of the environment you inhabited. Your existence reminded me of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of preserving the delicate harmony that sustains us. Through our interactions, I was also reminded of the profound significance of coexistence and mutual respect. We share this planet with so many animals, and though our paths may seldom cross with many of those animals, our existence intertwines in ways we may not always fully comprehend. As I observed you in your natural habitat, I was reminded to approach all creatures, great and small, with reverence and understanding. Your ancient wisdom and instinctual prowess were a source of inspiration. You adapted to thrive in your environment, honing your skills and embracing the traits that enabled your survival for so long in a neighborhood where most of the humans residing in it had no appreciation for your greatness. Your resilience to live as long as you did in a residential neighborhood is a reminder to embrace our own unique qualities and embrace the challenges that life presents us with. In a world where humans often feel detached from the natural world, the connection you and I had serves as a reminder of our responsibility to be stewards of this planet. As I reflect on our friendship, I am reminded of the urgent need to protect and preserve the habitats that sustain us all. It is our duty to ensure that future generations can witness the magnificence of creatures like you, and that the delicate balance of nature remains intact. Thank you, King, for all the profound lessons you imparted upon me. I wish I could have continued to share this world with you, but will take our unique friendship and honor it by helping teach others to respect and cherish the diversity and beauty that surrounds us. With deep admiration and respect, as I am missing your presence so much, I am so honored we connected and had the time we did. You were truly loved.
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