DIY Yarn Wall Hanging
STEP 1. GET YOUR SUPPLIES Have your dowel, your yarn out, and your scissors ready to go. Here is some orange yarn if you want the same look as mine, or some chunky black yarn looks amazing too. If you want that natural, boho look then this cream yarn would be perfect. Next, take about 20" of twine and tie to each end of your stick or dowel. This is what will hang your wall piece when it's finished. STEP 2. CREATE YARN LOOP Grab your yarn, hold the loose end in one hand, and start to wrap the skein around your arm. Do this loop 10 times (fewer if you have really thick yarn), and cut the string after your last loop around and put the skein down. Once you have that done, grab your scissors and snip the rest of the yarn that is wrapped around your hand. Basically, you end up with 10 pieces of yarn cut to the same length (but keep them folded in half for the next part). STEP 2 continued. KNOT ON DOWEL That chunk of yarn you just cut to size will make up your first yarn knot on your dowel. This step is a little tricky to write out, so it’s best to look at the photos here as you go. Basically you’re going to keep your yarn folded in half, and then set your dowel on top. Pull the yarn ends through the top loop, pulling it down tight to create a knot. STEP 3: HAIRCUT Now it’s the fun part. Hang up your new wall hanging, get out your scissors, and give that bad boy a haircut. I personally like the symmetry of having it be longer in the middle and shortening out to the sides. Find the middle knot (or two middle knots if you did an even number), then cut up from there. Don’t stress about it being perfect. Cut small amounts at first, and just even it out as you go. ![]() STEP 4. EMBELLISH The fun thing about these wall hangings is that you can embellish them however you want. This one I used feathers my youngest daughter found for me one afternoon while we were at the park. I just weaved them in through the yarn, adding a little bit of hot glue to hold them in place. I had some of these brass metal rings, so I played with adding some to my hangings in the past. You can use the rings to create a loop to hang them from. Fun, right? You can also braid some of your yarn, or add in little beads. It’s fun to really personalize them. I ended up making a bunch more of these, because they were so fun and easy to do! I'd love to see yours if you make one, so please share on my Facebook page! **This post contains affiliate links
![]() You remember that time when we tried to drive down to the beach but ended up in the mountains? That kinda sucked, didn’t it? Yes, I love the mountains, too. But I wanted to go to the beach. And I looked a bit out of place in the mountains with my bikini on. If we had a map (or at least the proper sense of direction or a phone with GPS, internet and Siri) we could have gone to the beach. Why didn’t we get a map? Oh yeah. We were full of ourselves. What kind of idiot doesn’t know the way to the beach? Us. You can bet next time we went to the beach we got directions first. First from the cell phone and second we printed some out in case we had no cell coverage. Smarter the second time around. We all make mistakes and promise to do better next time. That’s why you will do better next time you decorate. You’re going to do these things first: Analyze your life. Decide what you need and want. Figure out your budget and if you can get what you need and want. It seems so simple, doesn’t it? It is. You just have to make sure you have the patience to do it right the first time. What we are going to do here doesn’t take your big old brains. It just takes you listening and figuring out. You need to be your own client. Listen to yourself and your family. Figure out all those details that you eventually come to sneer at down the road. You know, like your budget, your needs, and finding out that even though pink velvet sounds perfect for your sofa you realize your dog who sheds immensely will turn it into a fur coat in no time. Things like this lead you to spending money on things you didn’t want to spend money the first time around because going shopping first without a plan is so fun! Call me a killjoy, but you’ll thank me later. I’ll help you start the process. I created a mini version of the design questionnaire I ask my clients before I start designing their homes. So let me guess, you want a list of the questions I ask my clients don't you? Well you are in luck! Just sign up with your email by clicking the little 'envelope' icon located at the top right of your screen or enter it on the little pop up that appears at the bottom of your screen. Then I will send over my helpful list and you'll be signed up to receive all kinds of other goodies from me too! ![]() We've all done it, set a new years goal or resolution only to fall short months, weeks, and sometimes days later. Perhaps it's to declutter your home, finally finishing that kitchen remodel, getting real intentional with how you want your outer world to reflect your inner world. This is where being more intentional is for more important than an actual goal or resolution. So let me break this down further. Being mindful is such a big part of reaching goals and setting intentions. Most bad habits have become automatic. We’ve probably all sat down to watch an episode of our favorite show and a few hours later we’re still watching television, even though we told ourselves we were going to make it to yoga class, read a chapter of that book and finish the laundry. We’ve probably all sat down with a bag of chips/sleeve of cookies/fill-in-the-blank and realized after a few minutes that we have eaten WAY more than we intended to because we were not mindful. Whether you are setting the intention to stop ordering take out 5-days a week and set the intention to cooking more meals, scrubbing a toilet more than just once a month and setting the intention to once a week, or setting the intention of decluttering and rearranging the furniture for better flow and conversation… you are making an impact on your life and the life of those around you. These are no small tasks, and they deserve respect. When we tend to the home we are taking a subtle but profound kind of personal responsibility for creating our reality, creating our life the way we want/need it and reaping the benefits of living presently in our own uniquely beautiful, alive and real life. Take the time to reconnect with your home and the joy tending and creating it can bring. Make time to set intentions to do the things that really matter and make life luscious: tend a garden with someone you love, bake a peach pie from scratch to share, or wipe away the dust of time so your favorite objects shine. Reframe your home creating tasks as blessings rather than “goals, resolutions, or to-do’s.” Setting aside a day to tend to to your space is a beautiful ritual of self love, connection, nourishment, accomplishment, and fun. Want to get more intentional with your space? Get my Authentic Design Journal Prompts. Sign up for my newsletter, weekly blog posts, design tips and more, click the 'Sign Up' pop up or the icon at the top right corner of your screen! |
Designer, Life Coach, + Realtor® - Candance Toscano"You can design the life of your dreams and acquire that luxurious, fulfilled and empowered lifestyle you know you have always wanted." Archives
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